Tuesday, 1 December 2009

First Thoughts

My first visit to the common was in mid October, to meet with Louise and Antje (PCC Landscape Architects) and Sophie (Play Pathfinder Community Projects Manager) to have a tour of the site. Before they arrived I had a short walk around to get a first impression of the Common.

There are a number of things that have stuck with me from this first visit.

•Entering the Common from the entrance opposite Moorings Way Infant School it takes quite a while to realize that this green space has its own beach and incredible vistas over Langstone Harbor.
•The evolution of this site is made apparent by the rubble and debris that breaks through the surface of the common, hinting at the history of this 'natural' environment. Looking back at the Common from the beach you can start to understand how this area was reclaimed from the sea.
•Dog walkers rule. People walking dogs make up a very high percentage of the people I saw on the park. Unlike working at the Chalk Pit in Paulsgrove my initial feeling is that due to the large size and relative openness of this site it would be much harder to identify local residents that are passionate about this site.
•Natural materials that could be used for the production of physical work seem quite scarce.
•The war memorial being constructed by 2 men to the north east of the common was a passionate and creative public response to personal concerns. There endeavours add another dimension to the park environment. (with a little help from Louise, see the memorial photo!)

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